Computers and Social Media

Insignia College offers Computer and Social Media Courses in Surrey BC. Our 4-8 week computer and social media certification program in Surrey BC includes keyboarding skill development, basic computer education, computer orientation and navigation, introduction to internet navigation, searches and social media.


Insignia College offers these Computer Software and Social Media courses in  Surrey BC:


This module instructs students in progressive keyboarding skill development. Students learn proper ergonomic posture, hand positioning, key location, and touch typing techniques. Students begin by using a few letter keys and gradually add letters, numbers, and symbols until they are familiar with the entire keyboard.

Familiarity with the keyboard and practice develop the speed and accuracy students need to perform in today’s office environment. Facilitators conduct testing regularly to track progress and assist students in achieving goals.

Introduction to Computers

This module introduces students to basic computer literacy through familiarization with the computer’s components. Students examine the Windows Operating System to learn the way to manage a computer on a daily basis.

This course is designed to introduce students to living online. Students examine the Internet, the way email has impacted personal communication, the way to find information and to avoid risk to personal online security.

Computer Orientation and Navigation

This module gives students an orientation to basic computer skills to progress with advanced computer operations. Students explore the operating system, the desktop, computer drives, folders, file types, software, program applications and online features such as Google, search engines, email, the Internet and intranet, and uploads and downloads.

Internet Navigation and Searches

This module teaches students to safely navigate and browse the Internet, create effective keyword searches and use webmail clients. It teaches the students to understand Internet concepts and terms to appreciate online security considerations to improve workplace productivity.

This is an instructor led course given at Insignia College or in the workplace. The price quoted is for an individual. Please contact us for group pricing.

Introduction to Social Media

This course is designed for the Social Media novice. Students learn to navigate, setup and use the most common Social Media applications, and build a personal and professional network.

This is an instructor led course given at Insignia College or in the workplace. The price quoted is for an individual. Please contact us for group pricing.

Course No. Course Name Hours Cost
C050 Keyboarding  20 (1.5 credits) $350
C100 Introduction to Computers  20 (1.5 credits) $350
C160 Computer Orientation and Navigation  2 $250
C105 Internet Navigation and Searches  4 $799
C106 Introduction to Social Media  3 $799

Disclaimer: This program of instruction does not require PTIB approval. As such, PTIB did not review this program. Students enrolled in a non-approved program may not make a claim against the Fund for all or part of their tuition.

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