Insignia College Services:
If you have been victim of any kind of discrimination or threat on campus, please call us at 778-695-7030
Insignia College is proud partner with LifeBalance Groups to provide Mental Health and Wellness services.
Community Support Services:
- VictimLinkBC: A toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service available across B.C. and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-563-0808. It provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence, including victims of human trafficking exploited for labour or sexual services.
- BC Crisis Line: A non-profit, volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis.
- BC211: BC211 is a nonprofit organization that specializes in providing free information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC.
- Here2Talk: A free 24/7 mental health support service available via app, phone and web for post-secondary students currently registered in a B.C. post-secondary institution.
- Chimo Community Services: A non-profit organization serving people in crisis, transition and through education.
- DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society: A registered not for profit agency offering a wide range of services and programs to the culturally diverse communities of the lower mainland.
- Ending Violence Association of BC: Works to coordinate and support the work of victim-serving and other anti-violence programs in British Columbia through the provision of issue-based consultation and analysis, resource development, training, research and education. Our work is guided by respect for difference, human dignity and equality.
- Family Services of Greater Vancouver: A community-based not-for-profit organization that provides counselling and other essential services to the most vulnerable people in our community.
- Fraser Health Crisis Line: You can call the Crisis Line about anything that is causing you concern, worry or distress. Examples might be suicide thoughts or feelings, mental health problems, addiction issues, family violence, abuse, relationship conflicts, loss, or just plain loneliness.
- Ishtar Transition House Society: is committed to preventing, breaking and ending the cycle of abuse.
- Options Community Services: Anon-profit society and registered charity dedicated to making a difference. We are committed to empowering individuals, supporting families and promoting community health. Every day, we aim to achieve these goals through a wide variety of programs.
- Surrey Women’s Centre Society: We are a crisis centre for women and girls escaping domestic violence, sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence. Help us protect and empower women and girls. We are the only women’s Centre in Surrey, BC. We are often the first and sometimes the only place they call for help. It is because of you that women and girls have a safe place to turn. 24 hours per day. 7 days per week. 365 days per year.
- MOSAIC Counselling and Victim Services: MOSAIC is a registered charity serving immigrant, newcomer and refugee communities in Greater Vancouver for the past 40 years.
- MOSAIC International Student Safety Guide: The safety guide incorporates information on immigration policies for international students, sexual assault and consent, victims’ legal rights, best practices to support their peers victim of sexual assault, and police and hospital protocols on supporting sexual assault victims. Safety guides are available in Mandarin, Arabic, Japanese, and Punjabi. For more information or to access the safety guide, please contact MOSAIC.
- MOSAIC Violence Committed in the Name of Honour Project: Training for Victim Service Providers
- WAVAW: We are a feminist, anti-oppressive, decolonizing rape crisis centre operating on unceded Coast Salish Territories. We provide support services to survivors of sexualized violence who have shared experiences of gender marginalization: cis and trans women, Two-Spirit, trans and/or non-binary people. We advocate for social and systemic change through education, outreach and activism.
- Safe Campuses BC: A new website being created by the BC government to centralise Campus and Community Resources for safe campuses.
- Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society: Their Mission is to support the activities that promote the health and well being of Aboriginal People and to promote the resurgence of resident Aboriginal culture, language and teachings, particularly those of local residency.
- Rehab4addiction: A discussion about guarding mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.