License Conversion


If you are a foreign pilot who wants to fly for pay or reward in Canada, you must hold a valid Canadian commercial or airline transport pilot license. This requires you to meet medical fitness, knowledge, experience and skill requirements set out in the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Part VI, Subpart 1 – Flight Crew Permits, Licenses and Ratings.

Foreign pilots wishing to fly in Canada for recreation must hold a foreign license validation certificate. Insignia College offers Foreign Pilot License Program in Delta, BC

Insignia College Admission Requirements


– Valid ICAO Foreign License
– Valid Medical

Private Pilot License

There are 3 options for the ICAO Private pilot license holders:

Recreational Flying in Canada: Foreign License Validation Certificate (FLVC)

A foreign pilot license of a visitor whose residence is outside Canada may be validated for flight training and recreational purposes. The foreign pilot license must be valid under the law of the issuing state and valid (with a current Canadian Aviation Medical) for the privileges appropriate to the specific purpose. An applicant should apply for a Foreign License Validation Certificate (FLVC) before arriving in Canada.

The FLVC will be issued for a period of one year at which time the applicant may choose to renew it, or apply for a permanent Canadian Pilot License. Below is the process to apply for the FLVC:

1. Fill out this form
2. Include a copy of your license , medical, passport, english test, and the form, and email it to
It takes up to 20 days to process and then you can fly as pilot in command of a Canadian registered airplane.
Cost is $55

Private Pilot License Issued On the Basis of Foreign License (Foreign based PPL)

If you are visiting Canada on a regular basis or are staying here for an extended period of time and want a Canadian Private Pilot License for a term longer than one year, you have the option to convert your current foreign pilot license to a Canadian Private Pilot License. An applicant who is the holder of a Private Pilot License issued by another ICAO member country shall be considered to have met the ground school, written examination and flight test requirements provided they can show their foreign pilot license and personal pilot logbook. In order to convert to a Canadian Private Pilot License you will need to:

1. Obtain a Canadian Aviation Medical (Class III or higher) prior to coming to Canada if possible – for a complete list of approved medical examiners, see: Approved Medical Examiners

2. Complete the Transport Canada PSTAR exam (can be completed at Insignia College)

3. Complete a minimum of 5 take-offs and landings within 6 months preceding the date of application

4. Have a minimum of the following flight experience in your pilot logbook:
– 45 Hours Total Flight Time
– 12 Hours Solo Flight Time
– 5 Hours Instrument Flight Time
– 3 Hours Dual Cross Country Time
– 5 Hours Solo Cross Country Time

5. Complete an Aviation Language Proficiency Test (Transport Canada will transfer any language proficiency of Level 4, 5 or 6)

6. Complete the Canadian Restricted Radio Operator Exam (can be completed at Insignia College).

7. Pay $55 CAD to Transport Canada via their website

Once you have completed the above requirements at the closest Transport Canada Licensing Office, you will be issued a Canadian Private Pilot License which will state that it is based on your existing foreign pilot license. To remove this restriction from your Canadian Private Pilot License, you must successfully complete the PPL written examination (PPAER) and the Private Pilot flight test with an approved Transport Canada-approved pilot examiner.

Canadian Private Pilot License (PPL)

If you are coming to Canada to train for the Canadian Commercial Pilot License, you will first need to hold an unrestricted TCCA PPL, as follows:

Remove the restriction of your Canadian PPL being based on your foreign PPL by completing all requirements in option #2 above, plus:

Successfully complete the PPL written examination (PPAER)

Successfully complete the PPL flight test with an approved Transport Canada-approved pilot examiner

Get a Study Permit (for duration of stay six months or greater)

Complete a Class 3 or higher Canadian Aviation Medical – Approved Medical Examiners

Commercial Pilot License

Transport Canada Requirements:

To obtain a Canadian commercial pilot license – aeroplane category (CPL-A), foreign pilots must meet all requirements set out in the CARs Standard 421, section 421.30. The following information is a summary of the requirements only.

To successfully earn a Canadian CPL-A, you must:

Complete medical examination requirements and hold a Category 1 medical certificate.
Aviation medical examiners designated by contracting states of the ICAO may do your medical exam. We will supply you with the correct medical form upon request.

Provide proof that you meet the experience requirement. Be prepared to show us a log book of your flight experience for our review.
Read CARs Standard 421, section 421.30, para. (4) to learn more.

To meet the knowledge requirement, successfully complete the Commercial Pilot License – Aeroplane (CPAER) medical examination.
Read CARs Standard 421, section 421.30, para. (3) to learn more.

Meet the skill requirement by successfully completing a practical flight test.
Read CARs Standard 421, section 421.30, para. (5) to learn more.

Complete your license application.
Submit proof of foreign citizenship and age
See CARs Standard 421, section 421.06, para. (1) and (2) for a list of acceptable documents to prove your citizenship and age
Provide your foreign license and log book for evaluation
Submit your license application form(s)
See Flight crew licenses, permits and ratings to find the correct form(s)
Pay the appropriate license fee.

Multi-engine Rating

Transport Canada Requirements:

To obtain a multi-engine rating endorsed on the CPL-A, you must meet the requirements set out in CARs Standard 421, section 421.38, para. (3).

We may issue you a multi-engine rating based upon your current rating if you fulfill one of the following:

you have 50 hours of experience as pilot-in-command on multi-engine aeroplanes, or
you met the standard of the state that issued the rating, in the preceding 12 months (based on your date of application)
If you cannot meet these requirements, you must successfully complete a practical flight test.

Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL)

Transport Canada Requirements:

To obtain a Canadian airline transport pilot license – aeroplane (ATPL-A), foreign pilots must meet all requirements set out in CARs Standard 421, section 421.34. The following information is a summary of the requirements only.

To successfully earn a Canadian ATPL-A, you must:

Complete medical examination requirements and hold a Category 1 medical certificate.
Provide proof that you meet the experience requirement. Be prepared to show us a log book of your flight experience for our review.
Read CARs Standard 421, section 421.34, para. (4) to learn more.

To meet the knowledge requirements, successfully complete the following written examinations:
Meteorology, Radio Aids to Navigation and Flight Planning (SAMRA)
Aviation Regulations and Air Traffic Procedures, Aeroplane Operations and General Navigation (SARON)
Instrument Rating (INRAT)
Read CARs Standard 421, section 421.34, para. (3) to learn more.

Meet the skill requirement by successfully completing a flight test in a multi-engine aeroplane (excluding centre-line thrust) suitably equipped for instrument flight rules (IFR) flight in controlled airspace.
Read CARs Standard 421, section 421.34, para. (5) to learn more.

Complete your license application.
Submit proof of foreign citizenship and age
See CARs Standard 421, section 421.06, para. (1) and (2) for a list of acceptable documents to prove your citizenship and age
Provide your foreign license and log book for evaluation
Submit your license application form
See Flight crew licenses, permits and ratings to find the correct form(s)
Pay the appropriate license fee.

FAA license Conversion

Transport Canada Requirements:

If you have FAA license:

Canada and the U.S. have an agreement that allows pilots to convert their Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) certificate to a Transport Canada Civil Aviation ( TCCA ) license, or vice versa. This is called an Implementation Procedures for Licensing ( IPL ) agreement.

Complying with this agreement allows pilots to convert their licenses or certificates without meeting all exact requirements of the other country’s regulations.

Types of licenses and certificates that apply

The IPL allows for the conversion of:

aeroplane and rotorcraft-helicopter categories for these licensing levels:
airline transport, and
aircraft type, aeroplane class and instrument ratings
FAA certificate to TCCA license

If you hold an FAA airman certificate and want to get an equivalent TCCA pilot license, read the Advisory Circular appropriate to you (aeroplane or helicopter category):

Advisory Circular 401-001 – Application Guidelines for Aeroplane FAA TCCA
Advisory Circular 401-003 – Application Guidelines for Helicopter FAA TCCA
TCCA license to FAA certificate

TCCA license holders who wish to convert to an FAA certificate must comply with “pilot license verification of authenticity and eligibility” requirements. These are listed in the FAA .

If you have an ICAO License:


Foreign pilots wishing to fly in Canada for recreation must hold a foreign license validation certificate.


Foreign pilots wishing to work in Canada must hold Canadian Commercial Pilot License (CPL) or Airline Transport License (ATPL). This requires you to meet medical fitness, knowledge, experience and skill requirements set out in the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Part VI, Subpart 1 – Flight Crew Permits, Licenses and Ratings.

Transport Canada is source to this information. We’ve added some explanations and further information about the conversion procedures.

Transport Canada will grant credits to foreign pilot license holders, provided that the following requirements are met:

Foreign License must be medically valid, and
Originates from the country that is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Transport Canada will grant credits to ground school instruction requirement, provided that the following requirements are met:

hold a commercial or higher type of pilot license in the aeroplane category, which was issued by an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) member country, and
meet applicable experience requirements

The FLVC will be issued for a period of one year at which time the applicant may choose to renew it, or apply for a permanent Canadian Pilot License. Below is the process to apply for the FLVC:

1. Fill out this form
2. Include a copy of your license , medical, passport, english test, and the form, and email it to
It takes up to 20 days to process and then you can fly as pilot in command of a Canadian registered airplane.
Cost is $55

Cost of Foreign Pilot License Conversion Course

Application Fee
Due to Covid-19 application fee is waived until further notice.
Tuition Fee
Course Material
Administration Fee
Includes Aircraft Rental and Fuel Surcharges

License Conversion Course Breakdown

Application Fee
Due to Covid-19 application fee is waived until further notice.
Administration Fee
Flight Training
10 Hours * $265/hr
Pilot Kit
Fuel Surcharges
Approximate Fuel Surcharges
Total Cost

Current Fuel Surcharge

Fuel Surcharge Cessna
Piper Seneca:
Fuel Surcharge Seneca

Note: Fuel surcharges will apply on top of these hourly rates. Taxes are applied where applicable. Tuition fee is same for domestic and international students.

Flight Training cost is based on the Cessna 172 Skyhawk Plane. Cost of license conversion is highly dependant on the qualifications of an individual and the license or rating you wish to convert. On an average student takes 10 dual hours to convert license. Any additional training will be charged at the same hourly rates as mentioned above. Pricing is subject to change.

Administration fees will be applicable upon registration.

Duration of Foreign Pilot License Conversion Course

Duration for License conversion is highly dependant on the qualifications of an individual and the license or rating you wish to convert.

If you meet all the requirements and you are current and proficient, the process generally takes about 4-8 weeks.



Student will get certificate from Insignia College after completion of license conversion.


License from Transport Canada after meeting CARS requirements.


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Disclaimer: This program does not require approval by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. As such, PTIRU did not review this program.

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